Holy Week – But Few Easter – Comics
Skip to commentsDave Whamond began Holy Week with his Palm Sunday Reality Check page depicting The Last Supper a few days earlier than it is traditionally held and doing a pretty good job of showing the Leonardo Da Vinci painting.
The past week began in earnest with Monday and Greg Cravens playing with negative art in The Buckets.
The black out lasted all week (and into this coming week?) and I thought it was visually wonderful, with the outlines using primary colors being particularly appealing. I would really like to see a black and white version of one of the strips – bet that black really grabbed the eye on a newspaper comics page.
Bottom Liners is a cartoon panel ostensibly to “skewer the world of business and finance.” Politics would naturally come into play, but it used to be that Eric and Bill Teitelbaum were more generic in terms of politicians inability to govern (remember the small society?). But this election year they are very much a partisan voice.
And it seems to be a very much a right wing, if not actually MAGA, voice; as opposed to just conservative.
Politics has long been a staple of comic strip gags and continued to be this week with Speed Bump and, surprisingly, Blondie for example. But Bottom Liners goes anti-liberal two or three times a week these days.
Disappointment comes with Gasoline Alley.
I was looking forward to a wayback when story of the the early days by Jim Scancarelli which are always enjoyable, but only Tuesday and Wednesday carried Tales From the Alley of Post WWI. But maybe the near future…??
Instead of Easter Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen celebrate hard copy newspapers. Betty and Bub find many uses for the daily fishwrap, though it may take a couple days worth of newspapers wrapped together to actually swat a fly considering the heft of a daily newspaper these days. Maybe a Sunday paper would work.
It is Easter so I went searching for Easter eggs, and found the title panel for today’s Bizarro.
The treat inside this particular egg was a surrealistic Dan Piraro piece.
More Easter Eggs!
We’ll close with my favorite non-Walt Kelly Pogo comic strip courtesy
Thomas Haller Buchanan and The S. F. Examiner via newspapers.com
Walt Kelly’s Pogo by Larry Doyle and Neal Sternecky from March 26, 1989.
Darryl Heine