Scott Adams’ Reality
Skip to commentsIn a long X/Twitter post Dilbert Reborn cartoonist Scott Adams attacks the DEI strategy:
Allow me to put a stake through the heart of DEI for you. If DEI proponents wanted to achieve the kind of diversity that is good for every member of society, they would correct the Democrat/Republican imbalance in our most important companies. A lack of Republicans on staff caused Twitter, Facebook, and Google to censor free speech for years before getting caught. A lack of Republican voices in the corporate news business — excluding the FoxNews bubble — allowed over 20 major political hoaxes to flourish in the past 5-7 years. (The Right had a few too.) …

Among other things Scott gives advice to Black men and offers an opinion on liberal women:
Hey, Black American men, do you want to increase your odds of success? Just copy Republicans. They have developed a mindset and a set of traditions that have always worked, no matter who uses the methods…
But Black men, your DEI does not improve your access to the mentors and networking and winning mindset of Republicans. It does the opposite. Are you thinking of getting a face tattoo and dropping out of school? Talk to a Republican before you do that. Any Republican. Anywhere. Any time. They will stop what they are doing and give you honest and useful advice.
Now I will tell you, Black American men, something you would not be allowed to say in your bubble: The root cause of the DEI debacle is batshit crazy white women who don’t know how anything works outside the female experience. Check the stats. Republican women literally have a fraction of the mental health issues of liberal women. Now look at the saucer-eyed Democrats on MSNBC and tell me they don’t look mentally ill. You see it.
Read the full post and follow up responses to commenters here.
Including this post script:
Another example: The DEI industry canceled me. Did the newspapers carrying Dilbert gain by deleting one of their most popular comics? And did the larger world benefit by not hearing my views? (Yes, I’m on social media, but now so siloed I’m not reaching Democrats.)
Scott Adams content, including Dilbert Reborn and Robots Reading News, is available on locals.
On occasion Adams makes a Dilbert or Robots comic strip free and r/dilbert posts them on Reddit.
Bounding Into Comics for the heads up
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