Ramona Fradon – RIP
Skip to commentsComic book and comic strip artist Ramona Fradon has passed away.

Ramona Dom (née Domboorajian) Fradon
October 2, 1926 – February 24, 2024
Yesterday Ramona’s agent Scott Kress of Catskill Comics made public her passing:
It comes with great sadness to announce that Ramona Fradon has passed away just a few moments ago. Ramona was 97 and had a long career in the comic book industry and was still drawing just a few days ago. She was a remarkable person in so many ways. I will miss all the great conversations and laughs we had. I am blessed that I was able to work with her on a professional level, but also able to call her my friend.
Ramona had a long off and on career in comic books mostly with DC Comics from 1950 to 1980.

Others have far better handle on the beloved artist’s career than I so I turn her obituary over to
Comic Book Resources, Multiversity Comics, and Bleeding Cool News with more surely to follow,
Her return to comic books in the mid-1970s was put on hold when she was chosen to succeed Brenda Starr creator Dale Messick as the artist of that comic strip in 1980, a chore she fulfilled for fifteen years until 1995.

above: Ramona’s first Brenda Starr with Messick layouts from October 6, 1980
below: Ramona’s last Brenda Starr dated November 5, 1995

further reading:
Brenda Starr writer Mary Schmich remembers Ramona
Sequential Tart interviews “The Real Ramona”
Heidi McDonald on “The Greatness of Ramona Fradon”
Comic Art Fans showcases a gallery of Ramona’s specialty and original art
Mark Evanier tells of when a score of comic artists inked a week of Ramona’s Brenda strips

above: page 1 of a 2 page jam July 31, 1994 Chicago Tribune Magazine exclusive – via The Art of Ramona Fradon

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