Hey Kids! Comics! I (Heart) Books
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Below are some comic strip and cartoon books scheduled for February 2024 release.
Images and links from a variety of publishers and outlets,
though ordering through your local comic shop or independent book store is a good idea.

THE COMPLETE DICK TRACY DAILIES & SUNDAYS Volume 5 1938-1939 by Chester Gould
THE COMPLETE DICK TRACY DAILIES & SUNDAYS Volume 6 1939-1941 by Chester Gould
This finishes making the first six volumes compatible in size with volumes 7 – 29.

ALLEY OOP UNDER THE SEA 1987 by Dave Graue

Mandrake cover by Reno. More of Chris Welkin – Planeteer, by Russ Winterbotham and Art Sansom from 1952. Complete in this issue: Mandrake the Magician by Lee Falk and Phil Davis (1940), Rick O’Shay (1959) by Stan Lynde, Buz Sawyer (1971-72) by Roy Crane. 14+ pages of full-color Sunday pages featuring Flash Gordon by Mac Raboy, Alley Oop by V.T. Hamlin, Gasoline Alley by Dick Moores, Steve Canyon by Milton Caniff, Drago by Burne Hogarth, and Casey Ruggles by Warren Tufts, Flash Gordon by Dan Barry. Plus a wealth of B&W features: The Phantom, Sir Bagby, Garth and more.

ALTER EGO #186 Angelo Torres Special
The cover feature spotlights Angelo Torres, the youngest and last surviving EC Comics artist, who went on to a fabulous career as a horror, science-fiction, and humor artist for Atlas/Marvel, Warren, and MAD! Includes 12 newly imagined Panic covers in all genres and more What-If covers of Angelo’s for Crypt of Terror, plus tons of his finest Atlas pages! Also My Life with Wally Wood by Ralph Reese and FCA presents Captain Marvel…

Schnozzer & Tatertoes: Shoot the Moon! by Rick Stromoski

The Best of Matt 2023 by Matt Pritchett

Frank Johnson, Secret Pioneer of American Comics Vol. 1
An astonishing historical and artistic discovery: a 2300 page proto-graphic novel begun by a “weekend cartoonist” in 1928 and continuing over the next 50 years!

Walt Disney’s Mickey and Donald: Mickey’s Craziest Adventures by Lewis Trondheim & Nicolas Keramidas
Mickey’s Craziest Adventures introduces its epic tale as if it were a rare 1965 Disney classic, deemed too wild for publication and saved only in fragments — but in fact, modern comics masters Lewis Trondheim and Nicolas Keramidas have created an exciting all-new album-length stand-alone Disney thriller, drawn in a kinetic indie-comics style and presented like a classic vintage work, hiding the fact that it’s actually shamelessly spoofing Silver Age comics clichés!

The Illustrated Mark Twain and the Buffalo Express by Thomas J. Reigstad
The Illustrated Mark Twain and the Buffalo Express collects ten feature stories published by Twain in the Buffalo Express during his year-long tenure at the publication, accompanied by illustrations drawn by six artists over a span of nearly 115 years … There is the drawing by Twain himself, created in 1870; originals by Express staff artist John Harrison Mills in the fall of 1869; and those featured alongside his Express stories by his favorite contemporary illustrator, True Williams … This book also includes 11 humorous illustrations created by Pulitzer Prize–winning cartoonist Tom Toles for a 1978 Buffalo Courier-Express Sunday Magazine series reprinted here for the first time, as well as a cartoon drawn in 1983 for the Mark Twain Journal by Bill Watterson, the cartoonist and author of the comic strip “Calvin and Hobbes.” Finally, this volume contains two 21st-century caricatures of Twain … by cartoonist Adam Zyglis.

Hilo Book 10: Rise of the Cat by Judd Winick

Many comic readers believe that The Spirit was the star of the first Sunday comic section – but that’s not the case! Comic Book Magazine debuted in the Chicago Tribune on March 31, 1940. It was a low-cost experiment; in fact,the readers (kids) had to cut out and assemble the book themselves from the newspaper pages. They contained a selection of relatively obscure, largely in-house comic strips of surprisingly high quality. The series lasted about two years before war-time paper shortages claimed another casualty.
feature image from Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz © Peanuts Worldwide
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