Editorial Cartoons of 2023 Roundups
Skip to commentsA number of U. S. newspapers have gathered their favorite cartoons of the year.
If these numbers continue we may have to do daily updates of the collections.

Walt Handelsman and The New Orleans Times-Picayune/The Advocate went for 20 local cartoons.
The Columbus Dispatch has a group of Cagle Cartoonists for their “Highlights of 2023.”
Politico features “Matt Wuerker’s Best of 2023.”
Newsday treats us to “Matt Davies’ 2023 Cartoons of the Year.”
From Lalo comes “The Year 2023 in Lalo Alcaraz Cartoons.”
Tennessee Lookout goes local with “John Cole’s Tennessee: the ‘toons of 2023.”
Then we circle back to Walt Handelsman with “national and international cartoons from 2023.”
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