National Cartoonist Society Obituary

Latisha Moore – Gone Far Too Soon

Word is spreading on social media that Latisha Moore, the executive director of the National Cartoonists Society for most of the past decade, has lost her fight with cancer at the early age of forty-seven.

From Jason Chatfield, NCS President during the majority of Latisha’s service:

Heartbroken at the loss of my dear friend, and the soul of the NCS for so many years, Latisha Moore. She fought so bravely for so long but today we had to say goodbye.

On top of the relentlessly difficult past years everyone was going through, she was enduring pain you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy for months at a time, and always with a positive attitude. She never once complained. I didn’t know what strength looked like until I saw how hard she fought.

To ill to attend this year’s Reuben Awards banquet Latisha remained in the NCS members’ thoughts.

A proper announcement as details emerge.

photos by David Folkman and Robert Pollak

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