Editorial cartooning

Steve Breen Departs The Union-Tribune

Another Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist has lost his position with his newspaper.

Steve Breen, cartoonist for The San Diego Union-Tribune, will no longer be a regular presence at the newspaper.

Says Steve in a farewell column:

By Steve Breen Editorial Cartoonist  July 21, 2023 5:49 PM PT

Today marks the last time I will have something in The San Diego Union-Tribune as a full-time cartoonist. Since 2001, I’ve drawn over 5,500 editorial cartoons, hundreds of illustrations and dozens of digital, animated GIFs on topics big and small, with local, national and international targets. I was an editorial cartoonist at a major metro daily newspaper for 22 years. It was a dream come true.

© Steve Breen/San Diego Union-Tribune

Steve’s full statement is at The San Diego Union-Tribune.

The only details so far are what Steve Breen says in his farewell to readers of the paper.

Did he take a buyout from Alden Capital, a hedge fund that recently bought the newspaper?

Will Steve continue the weekly caption contest for the newspaper? (there was none for July 21.)

His Caption It! panel for Creators Syndicate will go on I suppose.

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Comments 13

  1. The San Diego U-T without Steve Breen is clearly a paper suffering a “death from 1000 cuts.” The loss of Mr. Breen is a significant cuts.

  2. As a native San Diegan, with family here back to 1877, I first must sincerely say THANK YOU to Mr. Breen. Secondly, I need to offer my sincerest, sad condolences that his fate included being *brilliant*, but in a pitiful and craven “business” (at least lately). Onward and Upward, my friend. You deserve better, you’ve earned that and more, and Godspeed on your next adventure.

  3. Steve Bremen. You will be sorely missed. What a gift you have been to San Diego. May your future be blessed.

  4. First Jeff Light, then Dianne Bell and now Steve Breen. WTH is happening to the U/T. It will not be the same with them gone buy out or no buy out. Sad, very sad!

  5. Get the Union-Tribune delivered physically each morning because of the consistent wit – and obvious care about the continued functioning of democracy – Steve Breen brings to my mornings. I feel a bond that will be very missed. Thanks Steve!

  6. Even on busy, hectic days I made time to read Steve Breen’s thoughtful and beautifully illustrated editorial cartoons. Thank you and you will be missed. The last one that I have cut from the paper was this years Father’s Day…so very special.

  7. Can’t take it! Lost Endeavor on PBS and now Breen????
    What other ax will fall….

  8. Breen’s caption contest was the best part of the Sunday paper. He is very talented. Thanks for all the years of fun!!

  9. I read with sadness and disappointment about Dianne Bell’s departure from the UT’s latest change in ownership. This morning, I still opened up the Sunday paper to read some of my favorite writers….among them, Steve Breen. As others have said, his talent, insight and prospective will be missed. As a student of journalism, I have been greatly disappointed at the current standards for reporting news. My expectations for news delivery is that they reflect the five ethical principles for journalists — Truth and Accuracy, Independence, Fairness and Impartiality, Humanity, and Accountability. I am wondering if there will be some options soon that will deliver news, both local and global, with those values strongly adhered to….

    Mr. Breen and Mrs Bell, thank you for your professionalism and dedication to those principles. May you continue your success and professionalism in your future endeavors. Many thanks and best wishes to you!

  10. Thank you Steven you made my day every day. You summed up San Diego on a daily basis. That is rare these days.
    You will be greatly missed.

  11. This is a sad day. I loved his cartoons n have several on my refrig. I will miss them. The paper. Is not going in the right direction for sure. Best of luck Steve!!!

  12. Another blow for the free press. The new owners are letting so many excellent people go. Steve Breen was such an important part of my day. His cartoons are brilliant, making thoughtful comments about our crazy world. I will miss him very much. Hopefully the owners of the Union will see the error of their ways and invite him back. Many thanks, Steve, for making me think.

  13. It literally broke my heart to see the Sunday full page good bye from Steve Breen. I have been a collector of political cartoons through out my adult life and his were THE BEST! He truly created a “picture that spoke a thousand words”; opening minds to new perspectives. Hopefully he will turn up in another publication. The quality of the entire paper has declined and with this last blow my desire to continue subscribing has ended.
    Good luck Mr. Breen ..may you find the appreciation and support you deserve.

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