Michael Ramirez Has a Wash. Post Gig?
Skip to commentsMichael P. Ramirez, award winning editorial cartoonist for The Las Vegas Review-Journal, has quietly been contributing weekly cartoons to the Washington Post since May 29, 2023.

The Washington Post for years has printed cartoons from a wide variety of cartoonists and labeled them “guest editorial cartoons,” those included Michael’s Review-Journal toons.
But these weekly opinions are datelined The Washington Post, that is new.
The cartoons seem to be exclusive to the WaPo. They are not available through Michael’s syndicate and are not showing up at Michael’s substack. Neither are they on his Facebook or Twitter pages.
Stranger yet is the complete lack of any announcement by Michael or The Washington Post.
Michael signed with The Las Vegas Review-Journal five years ago come September. Is a move afoot?
hat tip: Mike Rhode
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