Cartoon Problems at The Washington Post
Skip to commentsMike Rhode is a general comics scholar with a particular interest in Washington, D. C. cartoonists as revealed through his Comics DC blog (and, full disclosure, is a friend of The Daily Cartoonist).
Yesterday Mike went on a three part self-described “rant” about The Washington Post’s recent treatment of comics and cartoons appearing in the newspaper lately.

We begin where Mike ends – with a critique of The WaPo’s choice of editorial page cartoons.
With all due respect to Ellis Rosen, whom I don’t know at all, why is this on the editorial page of the Washington Post. is this a political cartoon? If so what does it mean? …
This was a two-fer as Mike is not happy with the choice of a foreign cartoonist as their homeboy.
For their home cartoonist, we should have someone that lives here. Michael de Adder is a perfectly competent cartoonist, but he’s a Canadian who stayed in Canada and works on a contract…
…To add to the disrespect they show him, the editor runs his cartoons smaller than this one is, and his color cartoons with extensive cross-hatching are run in black and white, so they are extremely muddy and sometimes unreadable…
Mike is not happy their layout people:

Jeff Stein and Vreni Stollberger may have created a perfectly good comic strip about the debt ceiling. Certainly the teaser image and text on the front page of Sunday’s business section looks appealing.
However, when you open the page, instead of seeing one broadsheet comic of a basic ten panels, it’s broken up into two black and white panels per page, for five pages, totally interrupting the rhythm and flow of the strip…
Even the comics page, which is basically on cruise control but still needs some supervision, gets Mike upset.

…is squished into Reply All Lite’s panel space. Lite only appears in the Post as far as I know, while the main strip is widely syndicated. Whoops. Lucky they don’t think the comics matter anyway.
Somehow the Scary Gary comic strip from May 18, 2019 got squeezed into the May 15, 2023 Reply All Lite panel territory. Serendipitously the lost Reply All Lite panel was about annoyances.
The Spirit of Virginia Military Institute political action committee and The Washington Post’s Ian Shapira seem to be developing a feud worthy of the Montagues and Capulets.
The latest is charges of racism directed toward VMI’s cartoonist “Zippy.”

Note: “Zippy” is generally considered to be Spirit of VMI Chairman Matt Daniel – TDC can’t confirm that attribution.
From Bacon’s Rebellion, taking the SOVP side, comes the most recent commotion:
Is the cartoon above, drawn by Virginia Military Institute alumnus Matt Daniel, racist?
Former Governor L. Douglas Wilder thinks so. “It’s clearly racist,” he told Washington Post reporter Ian Shapira after Shapira showed it to him.
Shapira evidently thinks so, too. “Some say” the depiction of Martin Brown, Virginia’s African-American director of Diversity, Opportunity & Inclusion, “resembles a monkey,” he wrote.
Wilder is one person. The word “some” implies that there are others…
“Zippy” cartoons regularly appear on The SOV Facebook page and Ian Shapira is a regular target.
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