Seventy-Five Years of Rex Morgan, M.D. – but the Rex of ’48 is not the Rex of ’23
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Rex Morgan, M.D. by Nick Dallis (as Dal Curtis) and Marvin Bradley & Frank Edgington debuted May 10, 1948.
Below is the first week of dailies (the Sunday page would begin a month later on June 13, 1948).

The original creators would stay on the strip for around 30 years.
The last half of the 1970s saw Fran Matera ghosting the art:

Followed by the ghosting artistry of Andre LeBlanc.

From late 1979 to early 1980 it was Frank Springer doing art chores and signing along with Bradley and Edgington.

After Springer Alex Kotzky (Apt. 3-G) temporarily stepped in as ghost artist.

Then Fernando Da Silva took over for a few years, also signing along with Bradley and Edgington.
It was during the Da Silva years that Dallis assistant Woody Wilson began ghosting the scripts.

Finally a permanent artist was found with veteran comic artist Tony DiPreta drawing from 1985 – 2000.

Bradley/Edginton signatures dropped in April of 1987; Wilson sig added in 1991
From 2000 through 2013 Graham Nolan drew the dailies and Sundays.

Then Terry Beatty inherited the scalpel (art). Terry was handed the stethoscope (script) in 2016.

Fairly quickly after taking on the writing assignment Terry made it clear that his Rex was not your father’s Rex:

Rex Morgan remains one of maybe a dozen story strips still running original content.
hat tip to Allan Holtz for the artist breakdown
Rex Morgan is © North America Syndicate
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