Sam Gross – RIP
Skip to commentsCartoonist Sam Gross has passed away.

August 7, 1933 – May 6, 2023
Saturday Review, Argosy, True, Good Housekeeping, Rogue, Gent, Saturday Evening Post, Esquire, Playboy, Penthouse, Punch, Harvard Business Review, Parenting Magazine, Smokers Magazine, The American Bystander, Comopolitan, and so on.

And, of course, The New Yorker.
Jason Chatfield in his paean to Sam:
I’m devastated to hear that today, one of the funniest humans to ever hold a pen has left us. The great Sam Gross —prolific, absurd, profane and hilarious New Yorker cartoonist— is gone.
I do sort of feel strange calling him a New Yorker cartoonist because he was published in many other places, (usually on account of some of his gags being way too offensive to publish in the New Yorker.)

It was in The Realist and National Lampoon where some of us fell in love with Sam’s “offensive” gags.
Sam’s family let the world know that one of the greats is no longer with us:
It is with great sadness that the Gross family announces that Sam Gross, Cartoonist, passed away yesterday in New York City. He was 89 years old.
For over 6 decades, Sam created brilliantly funny gag cartoons for The New Yorker, Esquire, Penthouse, Parents, Good Housekeeping, Punch and many others. The world of cartooning has lost a giant, and the family has lost a loving father and husband.
Mike Lynch, Michael Maslin, Marisa Acocella, and Paul Noth remember.
CartoonStock offers hundreds of laughs from Sam to ease our sadness.
images © their respective copyright owners
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