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Skip to commentsNo rhyme or reason today. Just a helter skelter collection of comic and cartoon related items.
A new Wall Street Journal (web) comic strip; Donnie’s Pitchford’s A New Comic Strip! get a new title; No apology from Patrick Chappatte; others unapologetically and savagely cartoon the coronation of King Charles III; The New York Daily News new dimensions; and a patch.

The Wall Street Journal has a new comic strip. It hasn’t replaced Pepper…and Salt, and it is web only.
April 19, 2023 saw the debut of the WSJ’s new web (see comment below) comic A Piece of Work (“A new weekly Wall Street Journal comic strip about the workplace today.”) by Dale Hrabi and Kagan McLeod. Three installments so far and it can be read at the WSJ site – no paywall so far.
hat tip to Mike Rhode

Starting with the outrageous Charlie Hebdo cover Euronews looks at a number of editorial cartoons showing disrespect for England’s royalty and the coming coronation.

While we’re in Europe let’s note that, unlike Martin Rowson, there is no apology coming from Patrick Chappatte.
From India’s The Print via MSN:
The controversial cartoon, published in German magazine Der Spiegel on 22 April, shows an Indian train — with passengers hanging out of its door, windows and many even squatting on the roof — chugging past China’s sleek, high-speed train on a parallel track…
The cartoon followed the news of how India is set to become the most populous country by mid-2023, surpassing China…
The cartoon had elicited sharp reactions on social media, with many calling it “obnoxious” and “racist”…
Chappatte, who chairs the Freedom Cartoonists Foundation (formerly the Swiss Foundation Cartooning for Peace), said, “You should always ask yourself, ‘Beyond my first impression, what is the cartoon actually saying?’”

After two months and eighteen chapters Donnie Pitchford’s A New Comic Strip! reveals the star of the comic strip, adds some color, and gets a new permanent title. Check it out here.

Michael Vassallo, at his The New York Sunday News Comics History [Facebook] Group, notes that The New York Daily News recently lost 3/4 of an inch in height but gained an inch in width. For the nonce the Sunday Funnies of the paper retains the old dimensions, though Sunday Comics are usually printed weeks ahead of the main section.

Cartoonist Jonathan Lemon found a cool patch. Cartoonists Against Fascism patches (only?) available here.
“I got blisters on my fingers!” – – Ringo Starr
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