Editorial cartooning

Mike Thompson – The Star Tribune’s New Editorial Cartoonist Reaches Out to Readers

Let’s talk. I’m Mike Thompson, the newly minted staff editorial cartoonist for the Star Tribune. I’m picking up the torch from my legendary predecessor and good friend Steve Sack, who retired from the position last year.

This job is a homecoming for me. I was born in Mankato and grew up in south Minneapolis, and I’m excited to be back in my hometown…

Read Mike Thompson‘s full letter to The Minneapolis Star Tribune readers.

“Plus, his first regularly scheduled cartoon.”

© Minneapolis Star Tribune/Mike Thompson

I’m most proud of the work I’ve done on local issues, where I believe editorial cartooning has the most impact. I plan to focus my pen on what’s happening in the Twin Cities and Minnesota. That doesn’t mean I’ll ignore major national and international issues…

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Comments 4

  1. But there IS a separation of church and state. Or am I. . . .?

    1. Separation of church and statement is the idea that the government should remain neutral toward all religions and not officially recognize or favor any one religion.

  2. Dear Mr. T ~

    I’m so sorry your excellent “Who can hear a call to prayer over the gunfire?” cartoon has been grabbed by some self-serving politicians locked and loaded for slights and grievances.

    Don’t let ‘em wear you down or cloud your vision. Keep wielding that pen!

  3. Don’t forget the stoplight to stoplight wannabe dragster and the little tuners that sound like long loud farts.

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