CSotD: Friday Funnies, mostly
Skip to commentsIvan Ehlers reminds me of how lucky I am to have been getting my Internet from a 4G connection rather than cable for the past two years. Apparently, since I get my signal from towers rather than a cable head end, Internet advertisers have no idea where I live, and the preponderance of ads I get are so flamingly irrelevant that it’s easy to brush them off.
Obviously, if I look for a price on shoes, I’ll get a flood of shoe ads, but that’s my fault. I should use magic secret non-traceable something or other for that sort of thing but I’m too lazy.
Meanwhile, since I’m a renter in New Hampshire, I don’t get creeped out by people wanting to install solar panels on my house in Rhode Island.
But, boy oh boy, do I disagree with this woman in Moderately Confused (AMS). If somebody’s grandmother is on the recipe, I know it’s going to be 75% about Grandma, 15% plugs for where you can buy the ingredients and 10% recipe, if you can scroll down far enough to find it.
With a bunch of stupid hearts floating up in the margin.
I realize that these recipe sites make more money if they can keep you aboard longer, but all I really want to know is what are some good spices to use and how long to leave it in at what temperature.
The guy who, if you ask him what time it is, tells you how to make a watch, seems like Calvin Coolidge next to these recipe people.
And, by the way, I suspect that cookbooks are probably in nearly as much trouble as phone books and encyclopedias these days. I have a nice shelf of cookbooks, but I haven’t opened one in a very long time.
(I had the great good luck to donate my encyclopedia to a home for troubled teens in the early 90s. You literally cannot give them away anymore.)
Speaking of things you can’t give away anymore, Jeremy Banx points out that, if the Elongated Muskrat is telling the truth for once, she’s got a week to dump this fellow before he becomes completely worthless.
Musk chose 4-20 to take away unpaid blue ticks because he has the maturity of a 12-year-old, though the threat may not be so much an issue of lying as it is promising something that he has no idea how to do.
Similarly, the state of Montana is passing a new law banning Tik Tok, to which the response is less an argument over free speech and free press than it is a simple, “Okay. How do you propose to do that?”
It’s like the wise men in James Thurber’s Many Moons, arguing over the best ways to hide the moon from Princess Lenore.
Juxtaposition of the Day
I just noticed that the McCoys cartoon is a rerun, but I’m posting it anyway because this pair, which ran a day apart this week, also coincided with my listening to a Bulwark Podcast in which Charlie Sykes spoke to Jeff Sharlet about his book, The Undertow, and how America is falling to pieces.
At one point, they talked about the phenomenon of rightwing incels (involuntary celibates) and MGTOWs (Men Going Their Own Way), with a combination of laughter and horror. As Sykes said,
There have always been guys who can’t get laid or who were mad at girls that won’t date them. But up until very, very recently, they didn’t advertise that. There was not a community of people who said, “I am a virgin because girls will not sleep with me or date me.” You generally kept that to yourself. You didn’t go on social media. You didn’t create a community. And this is one of the things where, okay, this feels kind of new.
There is, to be sure, a funny aspect to it, and I say that as someone who went to a college with a 7-to-1 male-to-female ratio, many of whom on both sides had gone to single sex Catholic high schools and were absolutely clueless about how to behave around each other.
I had any number of classmates like the fellow in Pardon My Planet, while the guy in the Flying McCoys — though I assume the cartoonists were mocking him — is on the right track. Learning to simply be inoffensive is a good starting point.
However, as Sykes and Sharlit noted, there is a growing crowd of people who find it easier to take pride in their lack of social skills, and, if you click on those incel and MGTOW links, I don’t think you’ll find much to laugh about.
As Charlie Sykes has also said, “a clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.“
Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?
Indeed we can, and I was struck by this Edison Lee (KFS) strip, because it coincided with something related.
About the time the strip ran, its colorist and co-conspirator, Anne Morse Hambrock, announced the relaunch of her Anne & God feature, with a free subscription sign-up to make sure you don’t miss her semi-inspirational work, a description I use because her imaginary conversations contain a down-to-earth way of addressing things that is pleasant but pleasantly free of the usual hot air:
Speaking of domestic disasters, Arlo & Janis (AMS) have spent the past week or so dealing with a destructive hailstorm, but I got an extra laugh out of this one.
It reminded me of a Colorado hailstorm that peppered our car with dents. Given the age of the car and the deductible involved, we shrugged it off, but we were concerned about the dents in the roof of our house, because we had just had it completely redone a few weeks before the storm.
The adjustor came out to do an estimate, but stifled a chuckle as he pointed out the odd symmetry of the dents, which, once we looked at them, did appear to line up, possibly because they were caused by the kneeling boards the roofers had used in the project.
Fortunately, I didn’t look like a fool. I’d let then-wife do all the talking.
Here you go — scratch that earworm that Arlo planted:
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