Rarity: Great Disasters in American History
Skip to commentsOctober and November of 1936 saw dozens of newspapers print six daily format comic strips relating some catastrophes of the past in America and how the Red Cross was there to ease the suffering.
And that’s about as much is known. The newspapers printed the strips with no introduction of any kind, nor with any credits to the writer or artist. Or even where the strips came from, though it is most likely they were supplied for free by the Red Cross as publicity for the organization.

There are no signatures or initials in any of the panels to suggest who the artist of the series may be, but there is a hint elsewhere. The Red Cross distributed a poster panel to newspapers and that was signed: “W. Kolliker.”
Whether William A. Kolliker was the artist of the comic strip series I can’t say, but the panel did appear in newspapers in October and November of 1936, the same time as the strips.

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