Gaming The Funny Pages
Skip to commentsWhen Joe Wos heard that his MazeToon runs side-by-side with Jeff Keane’s The Family Circus in Victoria he devised a panel that works everywhere but really stands out on the comics page of The Times Colonist.

When Joe told Jeff of his intention Jeff informed Joe that Bil Keane had done something similar almost 80 years ago:

Elsewhere Barney and Clyde joins the comics riffing on the Dilbert experience.

In today’s The Duplex Eno echoes my thoughts whenever I buy fast food.

I thought it was bad before the recent inflation hit when I didn’t use a coupon; now even with a coupon:

Something else to gripe about as depicted in yesterday’s Baby Blues, Zoe is the personification of Fox News.

I flip around all the news channels. I find out the Republican talking point of what is wrong with America since 2020 by tuning in to Fox “news” programming at the top of every hour.
Just thinking about it …. jeez, I need Macanudo.

Before tomorrow comes around let’s note the Mutts tribute from last Sunday.

As for tomorrow – check out Sunday’s JumpStart.

I’ve got to think this is good timing. JumpStart probably gained some new papers lately (see Barney & Clyde above) and this would bring new readers (and some us older ones) up to date on Joe and Marcy’s extended family.
featured image by Robert Crumb from (& ©) Creem magazine
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