If you are a lover of the medium, please consider supporting a couple of your favorite artists. As staff positions disappear, private donations make a huge, huge difference. This genuinely matters.
And if you are a cartoonist with a support site not listed here, or need a correction, let us know and we’ll update the list.
A. F. Branco patreon.com/BrancoCartoons
Ailurus Mursus patreon.com/AilurusMursus
Alan Moir http://moir.com.au
Ann Morse Hambrock https://annethepassiveaggressivepoet.substack.com/
Barney & Clyde https://barneyandclyde.substack.com/archive
Barry Deutsch patreon.com/barry
Benjamin Slyngstad https://www.patreon.com/benjaminslyngstad
Ben Wright-Heuman patreon.com/BWHComics
Ben Zaehringer https://www.patreon.com/berkeleymews
Bill Day patreon.com/BillDayArt
Bob Eckstein https://thebob.substack.com/
Bob Englehart patreon.com/Englehart
Brad Guigar https://evilinc.substack.com/
Brian McFadden patreon.com/BrianMcFadden
Brian Michael Bendis https://brianmichaelbendis.substack.com/
Cartoon Box patreon.com/cartoonbox
Cartooning for Peace Cartooningforpeace.org/en/supporting-cartoonists/
Cartoonists.org Cartoonists.org/
Cartoons By Dante patreon.com/CartoonsByDante
Casey Nowak patreon.com/CarolynCNowak
Charles Brubaker https://www.patreon.com/smallbug
Chip Zdarskyhttps://zdarsky.substack.com/
Chuck Whelon patreon.com/cartoon
Clay Jones https://claytoonz.substack.com/
Colleen Doran https://www.patreon.com/ColleenDoran
Counterpoint https://counterpoint.substack.com/
Crowden Satz https://www.patreon.com/CrowdenSatz
Dan Thompson https://www.patreon.com/comicstrips
Dark Legacy Comics patreon.com/DarkLegacyComics
Darrin Bell patreon.com/darrinbell
David Fitzsimmons https://davidwfitzsimmons.substack.com/
D.M. Higgins President Supervillain patreon.com/presvillain
Drew Litton https://www.patreon.com/drewlitton
Ed Power and Melissa Dejesus patreon.com/mycage
Ed Steckley https://edsteckleyillustrator.substack.com/
Erika Moen patreon.com/erikamoen
Folding Hamster patreon.com/FoldingHamster
Fred Malm https://www.patreon.com/amodestlook
Frega DiPerri https://buddyandromeo.substack.com/
Georgia Dunn https://www.patreon.com/breakingcatnews/posts
Gerry Duggan https://gerryduggan.substack.com/
Glass Eye studios https://glasseyestudios.substack.com/
Grant Morrison https://grantmorrison.substack.com/
Grant Snider https://incidentalcomics.substack.com/
Greg Kearney http://www.gkearney.org/
Hibernotion patreon.com/hibernotion
Hilary B. Price https://rhymeswithorangecomic.substack.com/
Hilary Campbell patreon.com/cartoonsbyhilary
HLKProductions patreon.com/hlkpro
Ike and Joe https://www.patreon.com/ikeandjoe
James Tynion IV https://jamestynioniv.substack.com/
Jason Chatfield https://substack.com/@jasonchatfield
Jason Chatfield https://www.newyorkcartoons.com/
Jeffrey Koterba https://www.patreon.com/jeffreykoterba
Jen Sorensen jensorensen.com/subscribe/
Jesse Springer https://www.patreon.com/SpringerCartoons/
Jim Keefe https://www.patreon.com/JimKeefe
John Kovalic, Dork Tower patreon.com/Kovalic
Joy of Tech http://joyoftech.com/joyoftech/joyarchives/support.html
Julia Wertz patreon.com/juliawertz
Keith Knight-K Chronicles patreon.com/keefknight
Kevin and Kell https://www.kevinandkell.com/support/
Kevin Fagan https://drabble.substack.com/
Kris Black patreon.com/krisblack
Lectrr patreon.com/lectrr
Levni Yilmaz patreon.com/LevniYilmaz
Liana Finck https://lianafinck.substack.com/
Liniers https://www.patreon.com/LINIERS
Liza Donnelly https://www.patreon.com/lizadonnelly
Lucy Bellwood patreon.com/LucyBellwood
Margreet de Heer https://margreetdeheer.substack.com/
Mark Fiore patreon.com/markfiore
Mark Fiore https://markfiore.substack.com/
Mark Parisi https://www.patreon.com/MarkParisi
Mediamuffin patreon.com/mediamuffin
Melissa Mendes patreon.com/melissamendes
Michael de Adder https://www.patreon.com/michaeldeadder
Michael de Adder https://deadder.substack.com/
Micheal Ramirez https://michaelramirez.substack.com/
Molly Ostertag https://ostertag.substack.com/
Monica Gallagher https://monicacomics.substack.com/
M. Rasheed patreon.com/MRasheed
Mr. Fish patreon.com/mrfish
Nancy Beiman https://nancybeiman.substack.com/
Nathaniel Gold https://www.patreon.com/ikeandjoe
ND Stevenson https://www.imfineimfine.com/
The Nib membership.thenib.com/
Nick Anderson patreon.com/editorialcartoons
Nick Anderson https://nickanderson.substack.com/
Otterly Human https://patreon.com/otterlyhuman
PastaCouch patreon.com/PastaCouch
Pat Mills https://iconoblast.substack.com/
Patrick Chappatte chappatte.com/store/
Paul Karasik patreon.com/paulkarasik
Rick Stromoski patreon.com/user?u=5342959
Rob Rogers patreon.com/robrogers
Roger Langridge https://www.patreon.com/hotelfred
Rusty Yunusoff patreon.com/rustyyunusoff
Sakicakes patreon.com/Sakicakes
Sandra Bell-Lundy https://sandrabelllundy.substack.com/
Sarah Anderson https://www.patreon.com/SarahsScribbles
Satish Acharya patreon.com/cartoonistsatish
Scott Snyder https://bestjackettpress.substack.com/
Shannon Wheeler https://shannonwheeler.substack.com/
Skottie Young https://skottieyoung.substack.com/
Sophie Campbell https://sophiecampbell.substack.com/
Sophie Goldstein patreon.com/sophiegoldstein
Steve Brodner https://stevebrodner.substack.com/
Steve Conley https://www.patreon.com/steveconley
Tauhid Bondia: https://www.patreon.com/7auhid
Ted Rall patreon.com/tedrall
3W3M comics https://3w3m.substack.com/
Tini Howard https://tinihoward.substack.com/
Tom Sparke patreon.com/tomsparke
Tom the Dancing Bug tomthedancingbug.substack.com
Tom Tomorrow, Sparky’s List ThisModernWorld.com/archives/9217
Tundra Comics, Chad Carpenter patreon.com/tundracomics
William Brown https://nativecpeaker.substack.com/
Zoe Si patreon.com/zoesees
Zookie Cartoons patreon.com/ZookieCartoons
Zunar patreon.com/zunar
(h/t to Rickey Scott, who compiled the original list!)
He’s doubtless too modest to mention it but
Tauhid Bondia: https://www.patreon.com/7auhid
These monthly donation schemes kinda fill me with angst (“what if they stop producing? what if I stop liking what they’re producing?”). I’d rather support in a lump sum, and (ideally) I’d rather make that support through the purchase of a piece of original art — a keepsake of an artist’s work that speaks to me, and is (I imagine) sitting on a giant teetering stack in the artist’s storeroom. What I find is that few creators have a nice simple method for how to buy art from them. Creators seem to feel some weird need to be coy about it. I can’t even recall the last time I was on an artist website and they had a page full of original art listed, with prices specified, and how one goes about paying.
I suppose these days many are working digitally, so there’s nothing to sell (I’ll not sully this discussion with the idiocy of NFTs), but there’s lots of artists who still work in the physical world, and vanishingly few of them offer their work to fans in a way that doesn’t smack of breaking into a Las Vegas casino vault.
Heck, the term patron itself, messed with by patreon presumably for copyright reasons, refers to those who support artists by BUYING THEIR OUTPUT.
Okay, end of rant. Sell us your art!
I have a fairly long list of cartoonists I support to the tune of $5 per month. Each is a drop in the bucket, so (to answer one of Allan’s concerns), I don’t really care if they’re intermittently productive. I respect them and like their stuff, and that’s good enough for me.
Having said that, there are some people on the above list (not gonna name them) who are already so successful I’d expect them to be embarrassed to solicit Patreon support. Of course everyone’s life story and financial situation is a mystery to me, but if (to pick an absurd and deceased example) Charles Schulz were to ask me to kick in, he’d get a big side-eye from me.
I have a Patreon irk, and that is when a creator I’m supporting announces that they’re funding someone else. I don’t have a rational objection–it’s nice that they’re sharing the pie, it’s a small amount of money, and surely those people deserve their support–but emotionally I think, “Hey, if you can afford to give Jane Doe $5 a month, why do you need mine? If I wanted to pay Jane, I’d do it directly.”
I’m not always proud of myself.
Yes, I have that quirk too!
BTW, this list has been updated
Meant to add that I differentiate between Patreon and Substack. With Substack, you’re usually getting a cartoon, column, or other content on a regular basis, often daily. I think of that more as self-syndication; you’re buying a subscription. Patreon feels more loosy-goosy. I do subscribe to some Substack content and like that model very much.