Bill Watterson’s The Mysteries and The Calvin and Hobbes Portable Compendium
Skip to commentsAndrews McMeel has released their notice of the new Bill Watterson book revealing little new information about The Mysteries but included the announcement of the publication of newly formatted Calvin and Hobbes books.

From Andrews McMeel’s press release regarding The Mysteries:
The deluxe hardcover edition features elements of a classic fairytale book, with exquisite art and a compelling, provocative story that invites readers to examine their place in the universe and their responsibility to others and the planet we all share. The book will be available exclusively in print and is designed to be an immersive experience that explores the limits of human understanding. A fable that dares to intimate the big questions about our place in the universe, the richly illustrated volume will be a treasured collectible for years to come, provoking pause and reflection.
“The book will be available exclusively in print.” So no kindle or other versions. Fans of Watterson will have to buy a hard copy of the hardcover.
Also I note that the Amazon and Barnes and Noble pages have scrubbed the preview pages of The Mysteries, though the four images are all over the world wide web now.

The press release also announced the issuing of new format Calvin and Hobbes books.
In another creative development from Watterson, The Calvin and Hobbes Portable Compendium features an all-new design of the bestselling Calvin and Hobbes collections, introducing a new generation of readers to a compact, portable format. The first set of two volumes (in a series of seven sets) is set for release on August 29, 2023…
Watterson selected the vivid, evocative cover and new interior art from original color separations from the syndicated feature, which appeared in more than 2,400 newspapers. The art, in an accessible and transportable format, offers a whole new experience for readers to enjoy the timeless classic adventures of the comic strip … The entire series has a colorful theme of Calvin and Hobbes dancing across the spines of the volumes, which will be a welcome and exuberant addition to family bookshelves.
Left unsaid is what will be included – dailies? Sundays? The Complete? Selected strips? – or what size will be considered “portable.” (If anyone could revive mass market paperback comic books it would be Calvin and Hobbes.)
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