Bob Englehart – Newspaperman Again
Skip to commentsSeven years ago Bob Englehart and The Hartford Courant parted ways, since then Bob has continued as a freelance political cartoonist syndicated by Cagle Cartoons. Now Bob is again associated with a newspaper.

From the Associated Press coverage of a new newspaper startup (via The Arkansas Democrat Gazette):
WINSTED, Conn. — At age 88, Ralph Nader believes his neighbors in northwest Connecticut are tired of electronics and miss the feel of holding a newspaper to read about their town.
So at a time when many local newspapers are dying, the longtime activist and four-time presidential candidate is helping start one.
The first edition of the Winsted Citizen is now circulating around the old New England mill town, covering stories about a newly opened food co-op, a Methodist church closing after lagging attendance and the repair of a century-old bridge.
Deep in that article Bob Englehart gets mentioned:
[Editor and publisher Andy] Thibault has used his connections to build a solid bench of contributors, including longtime Hartford Courant editorial cartoonist Bob Englehart.

The weekly paper’s website has a staff/contributors page which includes Bob:
Bob Englehart was the award-winning editorial cartoonist and writer for the Hartford Courant for 35 years, leaving in October 2015. Since then, he’s been drawing editorial cartoons for Caglecartoonscom and He says, “Drawing editorial cartoons and writing keeps me off of the psychiatrist’s couch.” His novel, Whoever Steals A Man is available on
Bob tells of the new gig on Twitter …

and on Facebook, where he notes it is “the first local cartoon I’ve drawn in 7 1/2 years!”
Unfortunately The Daily Cartoonist hasn’t yet found that new local cartoon.
But good for Bob!
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