Doonesbury Mention of Hunter’s Laptop Gets Sardonic Reception from Conservative Media
Skip to commentsThe Daily Signal, the conservative Heritage Foundation’s digital news platform, noted that “leftist” Doonesbury cartoonist Garry B. Trudeau finally mentioned Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Back in early August, fully 18 months into the presidency of Democrat Joe Biden, we noted with curiosity how the liberal newspaper editorial cartoon “Doonesbury” still had not even mentioned Biden, much less ridiculed or lampooned anything about his administration…
But now, finally, this past Sunday, Trudeau for the first time mentioned a Biden, though still not Joe or his omnishambles administration. In the final panel of the cartoon, Trudeau referenced Hunter, but only ever-so-gingerly.

The article contains a roll call of possible Biden topics ripe for satire that Trudeau has ignored, and a list of Trump/GOP actions that have been ridiculed in the Doonesbury comic strip.
As for the January 29, 2023 Doonesbury page The Daily Signal ends with:
It’s not much, and it will be interesting to see whether it proves to be just a gentle one-off, or if Trudeau will finally, belatedly start going after the Bidens—Joe and Hunter—with anywhere near the ferocity he has reserved for Trump.
The current article is followed by rerunning the August 2022 article that traces some “egregious examples” of the wrong-headed cartoonist attacking the right-minded nobility.
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