Patrick McDonnell Does Marvel’s Silver Age
Skip to commentsIt seems Patrick McDonnell was doing more than collaborating with the Dalai Lama during his sabbatical last year, he was also creating a graphic novel featuring his favorite comic book superheroes of the 1960s.

Patrick McDonnell, Marvel Comics, and Abrams books will publish that graphic novel early this Fall.
Abrams ComicArts and Marvel announce and reveal the cover of the September 26, 2023 publication of The Super Hero’s Journey (Abrams ComicArts; September 26, 2023; US $29.99; Hardcover with jacket) by multi-talented, internationally bestselling cartoonist and writer Patrick McDonnell, creator of the beloved syndicated comic strip Mutts. The book is the latest addition in the bestselling Marvel Arts series, acollaboration between Marvel Comics and Abrams ComicArts. The Super Hero’s Journey is available for pre-order now.
We begin with the Watcher—a being who exists outside the planes of space and time, who sees every moment that has happened, will happen, or is happening throughout the cosmos—as he observes Earth and the inner burdens of the Marvel super heroes. As the Watcher observes the villainous plans of Dr. Doom, who is harnessing the power of the Negative Zone and slowly spreading its negativity across our planet and destroying the human spirit, Mr. Fantastic is led on a meta journey that takes him through the pages of classic comic books and across scenes familiar and unexpected, including the Commercial Zone, which is filled with advertisements for “stuff” and wonders of the imagination only to deliver disappointment and false promises. Ultimately, our heroes discover a zen solution in an unexpected fashion—one that aligns this book with the inspiring messages of McDonnell’s other beloved and award-winning books—leaving readers with a renewed sense of love, hope, and redemption.
From Patrick McDonnell:
“The Super Hero’s Journey is my graphic novel love letter to the 1960s Marvel Super Heroes and their legendary creators. It was a childhood dream come true to have my art play along with the work of the great Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Steve Ditko. I tried my best to capture the magic, fun, and cosmic energy of those early comic book masterpieces in this arty mashup,” says McDonnell.
Patrick’s love for comic strips and books have mostly been displayed in his Sunday title panels for his Mutts comic strip and the daily strips leading up to the San Diego ComicCon; Sixties Marvel Comics have been part of that.

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