A Symposium of Cartoonists 1898
Skip to commentsDean of Profession Talks a Little Shop by C. G. Bush
A cartoon is an editorial drawn instead of written. Perhaps it has an advantage over an editorial because those who cannot read can always understand the picture language.
Half the alleged cartoons are not cartoons – they are comics. A cartoon must have a moral purpose. Humor is not the ultimate end, although it is a valuable aid.
If I were offering advice to the younger men in the profession I should say: “First have a purpose, then make a point.”
In early 1898 (or late 1897) Pulitzer’s The New York World gathered a number of famed editorial cartoonists and asked them about their profession. Unsure when it appeared in The World but it was published in The World’s sister paper, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 125 years ago today on January 16, 1898.

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