Comic strips Newspaper industry

Reader Didn’t Get The Funnies; But What Version?

Oregonian Editor Therese Bottomly received a complaint from a reader:

The other weekend, I received an email from an unhappy reader whose morning routine had been disrupted.

“Neither on Saturday nor today (Sunday) have the comics I cherish appeared online,” he said. “What happened?”

Therese explained these days more information is needed to pin down the problem

Now, when I began my career at The Oregonian nearly 40 years ago, the answer to the question of missing comics would be quite simple. The Sunday color comics, which are printed well in advance, are inserted into The Sunday Oregonian. Occasionally, a newspaper would be delivered without those coveted color comics.

Even that “online” descriptor was not narrow enough.

In addition to the printed newspaper, we also offer an eNewspaper, the digital version of The Oregonian. It arrives each day by email and has all the contents of the daily newspaper, as well as bonus pages. So it has the two and a quarter pages of color comics (plus puzzles and games) that appear daily, plus an added half-page of comics that appear only in the eNewspaper.

Another way readers read “the funnies” is through our morning briefing newsletter, which arrives by email. A link to our online comics is generally included in the newsletter Monday through Friday.

The final route to dozens of comic strips is through OregonLive. We have cartoons at and The reason they are in separate places has to do with the different syndicates, or vendors, that provide them for OregonLive.

The problem turned out to be that weekend outage at GoComics last month.

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