Comic strips

Tom Batiuk and Crankshaft Join Andrews McMeel

Andrews McMeel Syndication has announced that beginning on the first day of 2023
the Crankshaft comic strip by Tom Batiuk and Dan Davis will join the AMS roster.

© Mediagraphics, Inc.

From the Andrews McMeel notice:

Kansas City, MO (November 17, 2022) Andrews McMeel Syndication (AMS) will assume sales and distribution of Crankshaft by Tom Batiuk, announced Brent Bartram, Chief Strategy Officer and General Manager of AMS. The effective date is January 1, 2023.

Since its debut in 1987 … the cartoon, created by Batiuk and drawn by Dan Davis, has attracted a loyal following in more than 300 newspapers with appealing storylines and Crankshaft’s muddled aphorisms.

In addition to daily and Sunday newspapers, the strip will also appear online on GoComics, and the feature is available for print and digital syndication internationally.


Crankshaft distributors:

Creators 1987 – 1991
Universal Press 1991 – 2002
North America (KFS) 2003 = 2022
Andrews McMeel 2023 – on


In other Tom Batiuk news is a correction to the credits of the November 20 Funky Winkerbean.

© Batom, Inc.

Tom sets things right:

…When I was tipping the Funky felt-tip to the artists involved in this really cool piece, I mistakenly credited the cover art to James Pascoe, who was just coming off a double brace of striking environmental covers for me, instead of the titanically talented Thom Zahler who was actually the artist did the cover. Those who have been following Funky know that Thom has been the artistic hand behind Wayback Wendy from day one. So, Thom, mea culpa my friend…

Tom then goes on to tell of the cover’s creation.



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Comments 6

  1. This would mean that “Crankshaft” is returning to their old distributor, since Andrews McMeel is Universal Press under new name

    How many other comics had a comic switch distributors, only to go back to their old one?

  2. Ah, mystery solved…taking on Crankshaft was the straw that broke the GoComics back!

  3. Does anyone know if this means that the archived Funky Winkerbean strips will no longer be available at Comics Kingdom?

  4. Hope GoComics is still working by the time Crankshaft moves to Andrews McMeel.

  5. Batiuk announced last week that “Funky” will end Dec 31. Crankshaft will crank on.

    Funky has been around for 50 years too.

  6. Tom – maybe Tom will take the Funky archives to GoComics.
    I could see Tom and GoComics starting up a “Classic Funky.”

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