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Pooch Cafe © Paul Gilligan; Captain America and MODOK © Marvel Comics
Paul Gilligan gives old-time Marvelites a treat in this past week’s Pooch Cafe.
10 Funniest Calvin and Hobbes comic strips … or not.
© Bill Watterson
The “10 Funniest Calvin and Hobbes Comics, According to Reddit” are collected by Screen Rant.
But it is more “10 Fondly Recalled Calvin and Hobbes Comics by Reddit Users.”
Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign.
Broom-Hilda © Tribune Content Agency; Ziggy © Ziggy and Friends
Russell Myer’s Broom-HIlda and Tom Wilson’s Ziggy use signs to illustrate a couple phrases.
As I See It: Blondie, Crankshaft get the axe.
"By This Axe I Rule" graphic © Marvel Comics Group Blondie © King Features Syndicate; Crankshaft © Mediagraphics
While the changes haven’t caused me to weep uncontrollably or exacerbate my normal grouchy demeanor, I confess to missing Blondie, Crankshaft, Zits, One Big Happy, Sally Forth, Frank and Ernest, Lola and Family Circus. (A few are on the back page of the e-edition which is no consolation to readers of the print edition.) Thank goodness, the paper kept Pickles and Pearls Before Swine.
Racine Journal Times senior newsman (ret.) and monthly columnist Emmert Dose
weighs in on the recent downsizing of Lee Enterprises newspapers.
As I said, change is inevitable. It’s often necessary. I didn’t say everybody has to like it.
Sam Catchem Joins the Major Case Squad
© Tribune Content Agency
Today’s Dick Tracy has him and Sam Catchem recalling old times.
From December 26, 1948 – Introducing Sam Catchem:
The Heartwarming Side of Gary Larson’s Most Controversial Panel.
© Gary Larson
One of The Far Side’s most controversial cartoons ended up having a heartwarming backstory. For 16 years, Gary Larson’s The Far Side entertained fans the world over with its off-kilter, left of center humor, but when one cartoon rankled the Jane Goodall Institute, it nearly got Larson canceled–until Doctor Goodall herself intervened, in the process creating a life-long friendship.
Screen Rant recounts when Gary Larson met Jane Goodall and why.
When is Castaño not Castaño?
© Ripley Entertainment
This Ripley’s Believe It or Not panel had me do a double take.
Where is Kieran Castaño‘s trademark stippling or shading on those two figures?
I had to see his signature (a game in itself at times) to make sure of the artist.
(Also disappointed that Ripley hasn’t credited Kieran on their page yet.)
Believe It or Not we have a Ripley’s Believe It or Not story.
Clouds formed inside the Goodyear-Zeppelin Airdock. A mouse imprisoned itself in a milk bottle. A woman owned a 119-year-old orange. A judge married the sister of his daughter-in-law and became a brother-in-law to his own son.
All of those unusual stories occurred in Akron.
The Rubber City has been mentioned dozens of times in “Ripley’s Believe It or Not!” cartoons over the past century. Newspaper readers across the continent have marveled at our oddities.
The Akron Beacon Journal is proud of their hometown weirdness.
© King Features Syndicate
Snuffy Smith breaks the 4th wall acknowledging his status as a comic strip star.
But that’s not a John Rose self-caricature!
If its October then the Garfield Halloween story will resurface.
Garfield © PAWS Inc.
While most readers might know Garfield as a reasonably light-hearted story about the interactions between the titular cat, his owner Jon, and their dog, one of Jim Davis’ darkest stories is pure nightmare fuel. Taking place over six strips, the comic tells a very dark story about loneliness, denial, time, and taking things for granted, as Garfield finds himself in an empty house in the future where his closest friends and family are long gone.
Screen Rant (again?!) tells the tale of terror.
Also October brings another trope.
Peanuts © Peanuts Worldwide
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