Comic strips Syndicates Technology

Technical Difficulties – Please Stand By – Its Fixed!


Comics Kingdom has Monday’s comics up.


original post:

It looks like that Dennis the Menace has gotten into our servers yet again!
We’re experiencing technical difficulties at the moment and some comics may have not been updated.

We apologize for this inconvenience and will update you as soon as we have everything corrected!

Comics Kingdom is having problems this morning.

The Stuck on Sunday extends to the newspaper websites.

For those who cannot wait Arcamax has about half the KFS syndicated Monday Funnies up.

It may be that I am to blame. I possibly jinxed them when the other day the thought crossed my mind that it had been a long, long time since Comics Kingdom had programing problems.



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Comments 6

  1. Well, they’re still showing about half the Sunday comics at the wrong aspect ratio so that no human being could possibly read them, but at least they got Monday’s comics to show eventually.

  2. I like a lot of the Comics Kingdom content, but they really do make “displaying pictures on the internet” seem a much more difficult problem than I think it is,

  3. Comics Kingdom has distribution problems all the time. I have subscribed for years, getting my favorites by email, but delivery is late or nonexistent more times than should be the case for a major company.

  4. Frustratingly for me, as a paid subscriber, is that I haven’t been able to add favorites to my Comics Kingdom page since the start of 2022 — or delete Baby Blues which remains in zombie form since it moved to GoComics. Several rounds with the front line of tech support have led to “we’re forwarding this to the developers” never to be heard from again.

  5. That is strange, no such problems for me.
    I have (more or less) recently added newbies Olive & Popeye, Bob Mankoff Presents, Beware of Toddler, and Legend of Bill to my “Favorites” page.

    Also recently I’ve deleted Baby Blues and, after holding onto it for far too long because…Frank Robbins, that last vintage Sunday Johnny Hazard that has been discontinued.

    I haven’t yet dropped the retired Mike Shelton page or Brian Duffy’s page, who i am hoping will recover and return soon. I do like The Kingdom’s way of keeping the pages up until I decide to kick it to the gutter.

  6. Christopher – They did a site upgrade earlier this year, and that included some server changes. I’m thinking you might have some old server addresses stuck. If this is a Windows system, clear the cache and cookies on the browser(s), and then open a command prompt and enter ipconfig /flushdns. This will clear out any old IP address associations that might be stuck in you IP stack’s craw. Reboot and retry.

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