Short Stack of Sunday Funnies News and Hues
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Ted Forth’s fight against The Fall
Today is the latest Sally Forth to feature Ted’s losing battle to keep his yard leaf free.
There is a history as Francesco Marciuliano shows the last 14 years of the inevitable.
© King Features Syndicate
Popeye Goes to Washington
I have it on good authority (Hi Mike) that with the end of Flashbacks The Washington Post has chosen Popeye by Randy Milholland to fill that Sunday space beginning today.
© King Features Syndicate
Audrey and Afton
Larry contacted Mark Schultz to ask about the Audrey and Afton relationship:
Thomas and I both appreciate that there has been continued interest in, and opinions on, our stories. To be honest, we have been purposefully ambiguous about the nature of Afton’s and Audrey’s relationship. We both believe that, as the specifics of their relationship is something that does not directly impact the story, there is value in keeping it ambiguous and so allow the reader to bring his/her own interpretation. The important thing regarding Audrey and Afton is that they do not conform to the norms and expectations of their society in general, and so are subject to prejudices and persecution.
Read Mark’s full response in the comments section of today’s Prince Valiant.
The return of Walt and Skeezix annual walking the woods
Jim Scancarelli returns The Wallets to their annual look at the leaves,
at least as well as the Gasoline Alley 120 and 100 year+ seniors are able.
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Finally Al Goodwyn reminds us of an important part of The Republic.
© Al Goodwyn
Mike Corrado