Comic strips web comics

Nukees No More (web and Daily Californian comic)

Since we noted the beginning of a Comics Kingdom webcomic and the ending of a GoComics webcomic let’s also mention another webcomic that has nothing to with either of those sites, though it did have something to do with starting up Keenspot.

After 25 years and seven months Darren Bleuel has brought his Nukees webcomic (which started in the Daily Californian) to an end.

© Darren Bleuel


Nukees is a webcomic by DarrenGavBleuel which focuses on the lives of a group of graduate students in the department of nuclear engineering (often abbreviated Nuc.E., whence the title) at the University of California, Berkeley. The strip began on January 21, 1997, and although the author completed his nuclear engineering Ph.D. on May 23, 2003, he has continued writing the strip. It was published online by Keenspot until July 2008, and also runs in the Berkeley student newspaper, The Daily Californian.

As Darren explains:

“Nuke E” is short for “Nuclear Engineering.” Nuclear Engineering is “officially” abbreviated “N.E.,” but in practice, we all say “Nuke E” to clarify, since most people (engineers, even) never know what the “N” stands for. Therefore, “Nukees” refer to Nuclear Engineers, which most of the characters in the “Nukees” comic strip are. I’m not sure if I coined the term or not, but I don’t think it was used to refer to the engineers themselves until I started the comic strip.

And yes, the cartoonist is a physicist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

The Archives at Nukees website goes back to the first one.


to Douglas Wise for making us aware.


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