Miscellaneous Monday: Editoons and Comic Strips
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I won the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights journalism award for cartooning last May…
The check for winning arrived a couple of weeks ago and last night, or sometime during the day (I’m not sure when), the trophy arrived.

A couple days ago Clay Jones received his RFK Award trophy.

© Kevin Fagan
Kevin Fagan is the creator and cartoonist of the DRABBLE comic strip. Drabble runs daily in the LA Times, the LA Daily News, and over 100 other newspapers. Drabble made its debut in 1979. A new installment of Drabble has appeared virtually every day since then (almost 16,000 comic strips). Kevin has written and drawn every strip by hand and by himself.
Sep 07, 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Los Angeles Breakfast Club, 3201 Riverside Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90027, USA
Kevin Fagan will be at The Los Angeles Breakfast Club.

© Montreal Gazette/Terry Mosher
“Masks were so much in the news then because of COVID — and the idea just came to me,” Mosher said.
Recalled Mosher: “I took a photograph of the actual debate. I created a Ku Klux Klan mask, dropped it on top of Trump’s head and then dropped in the balloon with the wording.
He referred to the image as a phototoon. “They are very popular — and they adapt so well to online. I do it quite a bit, manipulate the photo and have fun with it,” he said.
As news of the a flight attendant’s lawsuit involving a political cartoon keeps spreading The Montreal Gazette, where the “phototoon” first appeared, is carrying the story and talking to cartoonist Aislin.
Within 24 hours, the image “had 2 million views and had gone around the world. I stopped counting after that,” he said.
“It is the most popular cartoon I have ever created on the internet.”

© Scott Hillburn
Cartoonist Scott Hilburn has been making his comic, The Argyle Sweater, for more than a decade. While the topics range from everyday life to the Fantastic Four, he also likes to poke fun at the world of classical music. Enjoy these 11 hilarious comic panels!
Your Classical presents a selection of Scott Hillburn musical panels.

© respective copyright holder
Speaking of galleries…
Mike Lynch gifts us a nice selection of early Sempé cartoons.

© Paul Trap
Elsewhere Paul Trap pays tribute to Paul Coker, Jr.

The “nobody wants to work” vs. “they won’t pay us what we’re worth” head bumping has been going on a loong time. Paul Berge takes back 100 years with a J. N. ‘Ding’ Darling gallery of 1922 strike toons.

When historians type in the wrong name.
Was Patrick M. Reynolds, in his “Flashbacks” comic strip of July 24, striking a subliminal blow for the rights of the unborn? He depicted Alexander Hamilton defending John Peter Zenger in a libel trial in New York in August 1735. Hamilton was not born until 1755 at the earliest. It would be quite remarkable if he were defending the accused in 1735.
I think Reynolds meant to refer to Andrew Hamilton, a colonial lawyer born in Scotland circa 1676.
Cartoonist/historian Patrick M. Reynolds gets fact checked in a letter to The Washington Post.
Warning: Do not look at the following comic strip!
Be like Indiana Jones when they opened The Ark of The Covenant.
This could mean death. Look away!

Legend has it that whoever sees the eyes of The Phantom shall perish.
There are exceptions for friends and family, so if you are not a part of that group –
You have sealed your fate.
The legend seems to have originated when Bill Lignante was drawing The Phantom in 1962 and he inexplicably drew The Phantom with eyes. Lignante would not continue as The Phantom comic strip artist beyond this story because, legend has it, Lee Falk was very upset about Bill drawing the eyes.
© King Features Syndicate
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust was what befell Queen Samaris,
and surely that will be our destiny now that we have seen the eyes of The Ghost Who Walks.
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