Comic strips

The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Quiz

Here’s a Calvin and Hobbes Quiz that won’t put a strain on your brain.


The Fun Trivia site has other comics related quizzes,
though as comics knowledgeable testees
we will have to bite our tongue at some questions:  

1. In 1950, Mort Walker first published a strip with bumbling, inept soldiers of various ranks stationed at the fictional Camp Swampy. The title character is a lazy, unmotivated private whose eyes are always hidden beneath whatever hat, cap, or helmet he happens to be wearing. Other characters include Killer, Zero, Plato, Cookie, Sgt. Snorkel, Lt. Fuzz, Lt. Flap, Captain Scabbard, General Halftrack, and Miss Buxley. Do you recognize this strip?

Yes, we recognize the strip.

We also know that in 1950 Mort Walker first published a strip with college students.
It wouldn’t be until 1951 that a some of those students would join the army.

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