Books Comic strips Interviews

Macanudo: Elsewhere and Elsewhen

Argentinian cartoonist Liniers’s internationally syndicated daily comic is collected for the first time in English in Macanudo: Welcome to Elsewhere (Fantagraphics, Aug.).

Being Fantagraphics that book is now scheduled for September.


With the cartoonist’s first book for the English speaking world coming soon
Publishers Weekly talks with Macanudo comic strip creator Liniers.

I loved daily strips since I was a little kid. My father wanted me to learn English, and the way he went about it was to say, “Whatever you read in English I will buy for you, and whatever you read in Spanish you have to buy with your allowance.” So he would buy me Mad magazine and Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side. He thought he was pushing me into being an English-speaking lawyer, without realizing the comics were doing their work for me to make a living drawing penguins and elves.

Henrietta, the book-loving little girl featured often in Macanudo, feels so personal, what was her inspiration?

When I was a kid I was very shy, and the one place I was happy and comfortable was when I was in my home, with my books, reading in the bed. She reads because I used to read, she’s shy because I was shy.

Full interview at Publishers Weekly.

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