Your June 26, 2022 Dilbert Sunday Funny … or Not – updated
Skip to commentsIt seems Andrews McMeel Syndication has offered a replacement strip for those newspapers uncomfortable with publishing the Dilbert comic strip Scott Adams had created for June 26, 2022.
Here is the Dilbert strip Stars and Stripes ran in their weekend edition:
That is a rerun of the June 25, 2017 Dilbert Sunday strip.
But a different, and not-quite politically correct, comic ran in my local weekend edition:
Dilbert © Scott Adams
Which version is in your paper?
June 26 update:
The Abilene Reporter-News released a statement to its readers:
The Dilbert cartoon in Sunday’s print and e-editions of the Reporter-News contains material that could be offensive to many readers. Our comics section was pre-printed and we were not able to replace it with another comic strip.
later June 26 update:
Scott Adams has acknowledged the replacement with a Tweet:
Mike Rhode
Mark Jackson
Wiley Miller
D. D. Degg (admin)
Jerry Brown
Roger Elam
Mike Peterson (admin)
D. D. Degg (admin)
D. D. Degg (admin)
wiley miller
Mary McNeil
James M. Delach Jr.
James M. Delach Jr.
Barbara Stone
Mike Baldwin