AAEC-feed Editorial cartooning Exhibits

The Art of Jim Morin

For Jim Morin, all art is political. As the editorial cartoonist at the Miami Herald for 42 years, Morin created witty, often biting cartoons that are nationally and internationally syndicated, and he’s received the Pulitzer Prize in journalism for editorial cartooning twice over, once in 1996 and again in 2017. If you’ve opened a newspaper (or scrolled through one) in the past couple of decades, you’ve likely seen a few of his works.

In his retirement, Morin, who now lives full-time in Ogunquit, is focusing on painting, with many of his subjects and themes taken from the grassy dunes and sandy peninsulas near his home.

A new show at the Ogunquit Museum of American Art (OMAA), Jim Morin: Drawing and Painting, which runs from May 1 through October 31, features a selection of Morin’s drawings and paintings that focus on the environment.

Jim Morin discusses his cartoons, his art, and his exhibit with Maine Home + Design.

Jim’s page at the Ogunquit Museum of American Art.

Morin is a longtime painter in oil and multiple Pulitzer Prize winner in journalism for his cartoons. He stands out among his peers by connecting the artistic process of working in these two different media, noting “My paintings affect my drawings and vice versa.” This exhibition features a selection of the artist’s drawings and paintings that spotlight theenvironment and landscape.

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