A Look at King Features’ 2022 Syndicate Directory
Skip to commentsKing Features has released their Syndicate Directory for 2022.
Some notes…
Most important is the question: Has Hy Eisman retired?
Past Directories listed Popeye as “Dailies reprint, Sundays new.”
This edition, as does 2021’s volume, leaves it marked as reprint with no difference.
The last time we checked Hy was still doing the Sunday page.
Only Flash Gordon is listed without a cartoonist (Jim Keefe).
Other cartoonists not credited: Jeff Keane (The Family Circus), Dan Davis (Funky Winkerbean),
Eric Reaves (Hi and Lois), Loren Fishman (Mallard Fillmore), Jeff Weigel (The Sunday Phantom).
Eight comic strips are listed as “Online only:”
Funny Online Animals, Gearhead Gertie, Kevin and Kell, Pajama Diaries, Rae the Doe, #Sales,
Safe Havens, Todd the Dinosaur. (The new Legalization Nation is not “Online only.”)
Why aren’t Flash Gordon and Mandrake the Magician grouped with the Classic Comics?
Nice to see the new-to-KFS MazeToons get a page, though creator Joe Wos doesn’t get a credit.
Their editorial cartoonists aren’t individually showcased. They are:
John Branch, Mike Peters, Brian Duffy, Darrin Bell, David M. Hitch, Mike Smith,
Ed Gamble, Lee Judge, Jimmy Margulies, Kirk Walters and Mike Shelton.
They have a new four- and eight-page e-edition Sunday Funny Pages offering,
and they do mention their King Features Weekly Service.
A bit disappointed they have given up listing the Executive Suite.
Here is are some past Directories to compare:
characters are © their respective copyright owners.
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