Question Re: Print v E-Edition Newspaper Comics
Skip to commentsThe Lewiston Tribune, along with its sister paper The Moscow-Pullman Daily News, has had some delivery problems with the hard copy editions of their newspaper:
How we consume information is evolving. The same holds true for those of us in the business of sharing information.
That hit close to home in recent weeks with the interruption for some of the old-school way of receiving your Lewiston Tribune and Moscow-Pullman Daily News.
As many of you are aware, the labor shortage in this country hasn’t left the region unscathed. A shortage of contract carriers to deliver paper routes in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley, on the Palouse and in our outlying rural areas led to the temporary stoppage of home delivery for some readers.
That left readers relying on the newspaper’s e-edition, which led to another problem:
Readers have been very understanding, but they also have rightfully pointed out some shortcomings that we are working to correct.
Because of copyright concerns, we were unable in the past to upload our four-page Sunday (Saturday in the Daily News) color comics section to the e-editions. It took a bit of friendly convincing, but the providers of such strips as “Doonesbury,” “Garfield” and “Non Sequitur” agreed the e-edition is a digital copy of our print offerings, only available to paid subscribers [emphases added], so no one’s copyrights were being infringed.
If you didn’t notice, the color comics section was available in the e-editions this last weekend and will be from now on.
Not sure about the legalities but it seems newspapers do not pay extra to run comic strips in their e-editions if they are paying the syndicates to run them in the dead tree hard copies when the electronic version is only available to the paper’s paid subscribers.
Is that right?
If so…
Does The Washington Times-Herald pay extra just to show their daily comics page to the world?
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