Caricature Cartooning Comic Books Magazines

Cartoon MADness

Mad #24 is nipping at our heels with a release date of February 15.
It features a new cover by Ed Steckley.
Though some places are showing an old (July 1976) Bob Jones cover to illustrate the solicitation.

Must have been sent out for the early listers.

Elsewhere Ed gives us a look at the contents page for #24.

New content seems to be Ed’s cover, Johnny Sampson‘s Fold-In, a five page “Urine Trouble” feature by ??, and I think at least some, if not all, of those Drawn out Dramas by Sergio Aragonés are new.


Since Sergio’s name came up…

He’s bypassing conventions these days but we can still get sketches.

Mark Evanier


Somewhere recently there was a picture of Angelo Torres looking hale and hearty and ridding himself of his backlog of comic ephemera. Thought I had saved it but can’t find it now.
So here’s a picture from his website and a MAD drawing from somewhere else.


Two more months and Angelo becomes a senior stripper.


Some of The Usual Gang of Idiots are reuniting after a fashion.

Tom Richmond informs us via his newsletter:

Just this past week marketing and advertising guru Saul Colt and former MAD editor and longtime Simpsons/Futurama/illustrator extraordinaire Bill Morrison launched a new collaborative advertising and marketing endeavor called The Idea Integration Co. They have assembled a team of MAD and Simpsons alumni as creatives for their group, and I am one of them! In fact, MAD and Simpsons writer Ian Boothby and I did a little three page comic for the announcement.

And Tom gave us that three-pager in his newsletter also mentioning that

Other folks on the team include Dick Debartolo (MAD Magazine), Ian Boothby (Simpsons and MAD Magazine), Teresa Burns Parkhurst (New Yorker and MAD Magazine) and many others.

And, circling back to the beginning,  it looks like Ed Steckley is part of this new madness.



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