Comic strips Magazines

Such Stuff As Comics Are Made On

In this timely presentation, nationally-syndicated cartoonist Keith Knight (the Knight Life, the K Chronicles, (th)ink) combines comics, storytelling, statistics, and facts, to make the case that one of this country’s biggest problems is its inability to have a frank and honest discussion about race.

Event Bright has details and ticket source.

“Keith Knight’s presentation was lively, thought-provoking and hilariously funny. The diverse audience of students, faculty and staff, and community members loved it. Keith challenged them with his unique perspective on critical issues like racism, terrorism, the media, and U.S. politics while managing to keep the laughs coming.”

– Jenny Robb, Ohio State University



Baby Blues and Daddy Daze

From The Kingsport Times News:

Editor’s Note: Many Kingsport Times News readers have noticed a recent change in our comics lineup with Marvin replacing Baby Blues. We regret the change, but it was not of our choosing, as our vendor chose not to renew the contract with the Baby Blues artist.

But The Sun Chronicle has picked up Baby Blues, unfortunately for Daddy Daze:

Recently, when The Sun Chronicle offered the opportunity to complete a comic strip survey, I accepted, cautiously awaiting results.

When “Baby Blues” won out as an addition, I rejoiced — I had ranked it high in my “likes.” However, sadly, (for me) it would replace “Daddy Daze.”

“Daddy Daze” is for the sleep deprived dad and zany baby “queries” and antics for those raising kids alone, or separately together! Single parenthood is a station in life that also merits its own “comic relief” so bring “Daddy Daze” back and make them smile.

The response from Sun Chronicle editor to the Daddy Daze letter:

EDITOR’S NOTE: Adding “Baby Blues” — which was already featured in our weekend comics — to our daily section was not something most readers were big on, according to a comics survey we undertook in 2021. The survey garnered hundreds of results and “Daddy Daze” didn’t make the cut. However, the same survey found “Dark Side of the Horse” fared even worse so we’ll be examining the possibility of swapping one for another soon.


Calvin and Hobbes is a beautifully-drawn comic strip following the adventures of a six-year-old boy and his best friend, a stuffed tiger. However, the image from it you’re most likely to see day-to-day is marginally less beautiful. Modified from the fourth frame of the June 5, 1988 strip, the image seen on bumper stickers across the world originally showed Calvin filling a water balloon from an outdoor faucet, but has been altered to show him doing, er, a great big piss.

This time MEL Magazine brings the story behind peeing Calvin.

Why Calvin? 

The answer possibly has something to do with the fact you don’t ever see stickers of Calvin doing anything that isn’t peeing. This is because Watterson was (and remains) adamantly against licencing his characters for merchandising purposes, something that led to a lot of arguments with his syndication agency, Universal Press Syndicate (now part of Andrews McMeel Universal, who didn’t want to talk to me about pee). Watterson could have made millions — think about how much Garfield crap you can buy — but chose artistic integrity instead.


We’re working on the mailing this weekend. (It’s our biggest mailing to date…and they say print is dead!

Good news from Hogan’s Alley.

Hogan’s Alley magazine comes highly recommended from everybody.


And while we are on the subject of magazines …

We need to make the comic strip edition of Back Issue a best seller so they will be motivated to publish such a ‘zine on a regular scedule like their comic book magazines.


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