100 Years Ago – Major Hoople’s Grand Entrance
Skip to comments100 years ago this week Gene Ahern, in his Our Boarding House panel, started a sequence that would have a great impact. In 1922 the week began on the Monday of January 23 and featured a mystery stretching through the week. (Click on panels to embiggen, a second click will supersize.)
Then on January 27, 1922, true to Martha’s word, the guest appeared.
And the world was introduced to Martha’s errant husband Major Amos B. Hoople!
By the next day Clyde, Buster, and Mack had become aware of Amos’ Munchausenistic tendencies.
The following Monday (January 30) saw the Major delighting
Miss Church and Mrs. Hoople with his fantastical tales.
But Our Boarding House would remain very much an ensemble comic for over a year after the introduction of The Major. Those already mentioned plus Miss Herzog and Alvin would share the spotlight. Amos Hoople would take a more or less weekly turn as the featured personality.
By 1923 Major Amos. B. Hoople had gained stature physically and in popularity.
And it wouldn’t be long before Major Hoople was the undisputed star.
Eventually his name would have marquee value.
postscript: The Fez Years (see Hart Liss’ comment below)
Our Boarding House panels dated October 15, 1928 and December 3, 1928
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