Of Shoes – And Ships – And Comic Strips
Skip to commentsWell not so much shoes or ships, more so comic strips.
Baby Blues‘ circulation number is dropping by at least one with its move to Andrews McMeel.
The Waterbury Sunday Republican is asking readers to vote for a replacemnt.
It’s time for a change to our popular Sunday comics, and we want your help.
Starting next month the strip Baby Blues will no longer be available [emphasis added here and there ->], so we need to find a replacement. There are two options — Daddy Daze and Marvin — and we want to know what our readers would prefer.
Read The Sunday Republican notice here.
First thought is they have an exclusive contract with King Features, but their Comics logo shows Peanuts, Garfield, and Dilbert comics so they do have a relationship with Andrews McMeel.
© Baby Blues Partnership
In case you missed it – the Baby Blues comic strip, dropped from Comics Kingdom, is available on GoComics prior to its February 1st debut with the Andrews McMeel Syndication slug.
© Brian Box Brown
And I’m guessing that Comics Kingdom is adding Legalization Nation to their lineup which has resulted in the site being unavailable for much of today.
(In the middle of writing this Comics Kingdom has been resuscitated with no Legalization Nation.)
Since mid-2018 La Cucaracha has, with few exceptions, been drawn by “special guest artist”
Junco Canché. A major exception has been this week with Lalo Alcaraz back drawing his comic.
© Lalo Alcaraz
Reliable sources say Junco will return next week.
…That bring us to our current storyline. Back on again, Stella and Wilbur go on a romantic cruise together, where Wilbur is so overwhelmed with love that he spontaneously proposes. Stella, a rational woman who deserves better, gently declines, which sends Wilbur into a drunken tailspin that ends with him falling off the boat (not the first time this plot device has been used in Mary Worth!). Which led us to: WILBUR DEATH WATCH.
© North America Syndicate (KFS)
Women Write About Comics gives background and opinions about the current Mary Worth story.
Okay, let’s start with the most important question: IS WILBUR ACTUALLY DEAD?
Cori: F#@% I f#@%ing hope so. I hope Libby [Estelle’s cat] gets to piss on his empty grave too.
Kayleigh: WILBUR’S DEAD! *Krusty the Clown laugh*
© MGN Ltd
For some unknown reason The Daily Mirror hasn’t updated its Andy Capp page for nearly a month now. Though scrolling down does get a Facebook link that has updated regularly.
By the way – the U.S. strips ran the Christmas strips contemporaneously with the U.K. strips. Then they went back to a two week (or so) delay.
Winnie the Pooh hasn’t been seen a whole lot on the funny pages since Creators stopped distributing the old strips originally syndicated by King Features.
© Disney
That changed with the news of Milne and Shepard’s Pooh going public domain with the new year.
© Luke McGarry; Ruben Bolling
Lukey McHarry’s TLDR and Ruben Bolling’s Tom the Dancing Bug have recently featured the pd Pooh. Luke’s Pooh even got featured in a Washington Post article about Winnie the Pooh’s new status.
McGarry waited a day to post his colorful cartoon on social media. Later he checked his accounts: “I didn’t think it was going to blow up like it did.” On Twitter alone, the illustration received nearly 40,000 likes. The artist realized his Pooh toon could bring some cash flow. “Had I anticipated there being any demand, I would’ve probably had prints done in advance.”
To give Ruben equal time I just picked up Bolling’s Without the Bad Ones from my lcbs yesterday.
Marvel has followed DC in creating a web comic strip for Webtoon.
The series will launch on the Webtoon app and website on on January 20.
© Marvel Entertainment
Heidi MacDonald at The Beat has the story.
Unlike the DC/Webtoon team up, these Marvel comics will have more of a Marvel style to them, based on the promo art. It’s also being presented in Marvel’s “issue” format rather than the episode format for Webtoon as part of Marvel’s ongoing “Infinity Comics” line.
So Mighty Marvel (Disney) can alter the course of Wondrous Webtoon?
Bookmark Tom Falco’s 10 With Tom! 10 Questions in 10 Minutes.
Recent short interviews have been with
Tauhid Bondia, Stephan Pastis, Jason Chatfield, and Rupert Fawcett.
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