Comic strips

Crabgrass Expands To New Territory Come March

As seen by the announcement at GoComics, Crabgrass by Tauhid Bondia is getting close to debuting as a syndicated newspaper comic strip. And we will infer from that notice that its newspaper debut will happen in March 2022.

Tauhid informed fans at the GoComics page and at his Patreon site:

Well, I’ll tell you. First of all, yes, it does mean no new strips for a bit. Leading up to Crabgrass appearing in newspapers I’ve been hard at work preparing for a daily update schedule. However doing so, along with putting together a sales kits for the strip, and working on the first Crabgrass book has burned through a considerable chunk of my established buffer. And so in order to rebuild that buffer (and also to give myself a much needed break) I’ll be taking the next couple of months off from updating properly on social media. I’ll continue to post things like Teen Years (as I find the time) as well as the occasional Crabgrass preview or process video. But mostly I’ll just be gearing up and getting everything ready for the big launch! 

This is it, guys. It’s time for Crabgrass to sink or swim. Whatever the outcome it’s been an incredible privilege and a sincere pleasure to share my work with you. 

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Comments 2

  1. I can think of few more deserving strips, assuming Wallace the Brave is carried everywhere already.

  2. Agreed, although I miss A Problem Like Jamal.

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