Comic strips

Luann Takes 9 Chickweed Lane Place in L.A. Times

Notice from the L. A. Times:

After the furor 9 Chickweed Lane caused by a poor choice of words, The Los Angeles Times has filled that space with the Luann comic strip beginning December 22. (Sorry, the best I can come up with now is this December 24 PressReader shot.)

While the likelihood of Greg and Karen Evans inserting racist language is basically zero, the L. A. Times did manage to find a strip that contains young people with active libidos to replace the suggestive situations that were on frequent display in 9 Chickweed Lane.


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edited to add the L. A. Times notice at top

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Comments 3

  1. Well, there are certainly similarities, but . . . In Luann, the writers write complete story arcs and then forget they happened. In 9CL, that seems to happen on a panel by panel basis.

  2. Also, any naughtiness in LUANN is a recent development; for many years its prudishness was legendary among Curmudgeons. Until the last few weeks (when Tiffany had to cope with sexually active roommates — presented as unpleasant folks — and when Beths and Gunther considered moving in together), the only ‘daring’ material I can recall is Luann once accidentally catching a brief glimpse of Gunther naked, and Luann, in an art class, refusing to look at the nude model (a guy she knew). Oh, and Tiffany’s father’s girlfriend claiming falsely to be pregnant.

    LUANN, ompared with the endless and tasteless bonkfest that is 9 CHICKWEED LANE, has a looottt of catching up to do.

  3. What Denny Lien said.

    Oh, and a happy holiday season to all!

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