Comic strips

Spotlight on Senior Stripper Joe Giella

93-year-old East Meadow resident [Joe Giella] has had a part in bringing heroes and villains – including Captain America, The Flash and The Joker – to life. “This is a superhero-oriented country,” Giella says. “That kept me going. I just love to draw and instead of just drawing like static figures, I like the action, the action of the superheroes. Slam, bang, you know.”

In the 1960s, Giella helped with the Batman syndicated comic strip series and later drew the Mary Worth newspaper strips for over 35 years.”That was the pinnacle, that was it,” Giella says. “Wow. Work for DC. The only thing better than that was a syndicated strip.”


Joe Giella geta a 3½ minute segment and a short article at News12 Long Island.


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