Comic strips

Comics Kingdom Comics – A Public Service Post

With Comics Kingdom currently down we recommend you go to the Comics at Arcamax Publishing where about half the King Features Syndicate strips are posted every day, including today.

Arctic Circle, Baby Blues, Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, Beetle Bailey Bizarro, Blondie, The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee, Carpe Diem, Crankshaft, Curtis, Daddy Daze, Dennis the Menace, Dustin, Hagar the Horrible, Hi and Lois, Macanudo Mallard Fillmore, Marvin Mother Goose and Grimm, Mutts, Rhymes With Orange, Shoe, Take It From the Tinkersons, The Family Circus, The Lockhorns, and Zits can be read there.

Not part of the roster are: Funky Winkerbean, Judge Parker, Mark Trail, Mary Worth, On the Fastrack, Pardon My Planet, Prince Valiant, Pro and Cons, Rex Morgan, M.D., Safe Havens, Sally Forth, Sherman’s Lagoon, Six Chix, The Phantom, Todd the Dinosaur, and Zippy the Pinhead.

(Reruns and Vintage not included in the above lists.)

Here’s the October 3, 2021 editions of a couple of the missing.

via Stars and Stripes:

© Vic Lee

via The Phantom Trail:

© King Features Syndicate


via the local Sunday newspaper:

© King Features Syndicate


Don’t miss Liniers’ tribute to Edward Gorey in today’s Macanudo.

© Liniers

© the Estate of Edward Gorey
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Comments 11

  1. The CK site is back now. Very similar failure to the one two Sundays ago but this one took longer to fix for some reason.

  2. 10.50 central time, CK may be “up” but everything is requesting paywall access now. hopefully it goes back to regular soon… ?

  3. It appears to be available as I write, but given the problems that they have plagued them since their redesign a year or two ago, and their toxic comment section, I’m not sure of how much value that is.

  4. It appears to be available as I write, but given the problems that they have plagued them since their redesign a year or two ago, and their toxic comment section, I’m not sure of how much value that is.

    Sorry, reposting with my name as required. I knew that, I just picked the wrong option.

  5. It apparently was up at 2.05 pacific, but now at 6.15 pacific it’s completely down. oh well….

  6. As of 9:30 (CDT) today, only one of the eight comics I follow will load. Today’s comics are visible via my local newspaper site, but _none_ of the comics shows an entry for Sunday.

    Is this a DDoS? Or just a massive server foul-up? Youth wants to know! (And so do I.)

  7. Y’all got it better than me.
    I haven’t been able to log in to premium service for two weeks, since that fubar then.
    Today they renewed my subscription for another year!

  8. carl, just a fubar on their part. i can get to the sunday ones today. i’m glad at least arcamax has most of them, but trail is one i’d be pretty sore about losing. i could see that on the washington post site but it was small and blurry.

  9. I tried to post here yesterday that the online comics site for the Houston Chronicle showed the missing Sundays (and also noted that the site for the Seattle Times, which I usually use instead of going to (ptui) CK itself, did not), but the post was sent into moderation and never reappeared (probably because I included the two links and the modbot thought I was being wicked or something). Anyway, a quick DuckDuckGo will give you the URLs for future reference.

  10. Didn’t notice your first post (now approved) in the queue.
    You are right about two links in a comment usually sending the letter into a pending pattern.
    Thanks for The Chron info, we’ll check that out IF Comics Kingdom ever goes ka-blooey again.

    p.s.: the sites I checked – The Oregonian and The Arizona Republic – didn’t get the Sunday strips out either. Stopped checking after those two.

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