The GoComics List – An Update (Una Actualización)
Skip to commentsIt has been a while since we last mentioned the cuts to the GoComics list.
Now seems a good time to do an update since Paul Berge has brought up new additions.
Paul noticed that GoComics added Lalo Alcaraz en Español to their main list. But it turns out that is only part of it. Recently they have transferred their entire Spanish language lineup over to the main site. That added 34 comics to the list that they had been thinning out.
Most of the Spanish entries are English language comic strips translated, but there a few that are not. Aaggghhhh and Tutelandia seem to be of Spanish language origins (or not North American at least). And Gaturra is a new comic to GoComics en Español, added this year.
It has been almost a year since we listed the comic strips that have been dropped from the site, either by the creator or by GoComics. So here’s a list of comics that no longer have a berth at the website since our last update.
Ask a Cat; Baby Trump; The Bent Pinky;Brain Squirts; Bushy Tales; Ken Catalino; Cheap Thrills Cuisine; Connie to the Wonnie; Tom Eagan; Edge of Adventure; Gnome Syndicate; GoComics Fan Art; How to Cat; HUBRIS; Human Call; Jim’s Journal; Joe Vanilla; Just Say Uncle; The Last Mechanical Monster; The Lefty Bosco Picture Show; Magnificatz; Mom’s Cancer; My Cage: New and Old; The Norm; Pinkerton; Pirate Mike; Pop Culture Shock Therapy; Promises, Promises; The Quixote Syndrome;Sheldon; Shoe Cabbage; Shutterbug Follies; Speechless; Sticky Comics; TOBY; Tough Town; Trivquiz; Webcomic Name; Whyatt Cartoon; Winston.
If I’m reading my notes correctly Pirate Mike was the last strip to be dropped (July 30) and that was Brad Perri’s decision. Nothing has been dropped since then.
I think we have listed the strips and panels that have been added in the past year, but some have been in a post not tied to “the GoComics list.” So here are the added strips:
Bozo; Buckles; Al Goodwyn; Studio Jantze; Mannequin on the Moon; Petunia & Dre; Salt n Pepper; and the aforementioned Gaturra. Some of those you may have failed to add to your “Comics I Follow” list. Now add 34 comic strips “en Español.”
disclosure: As noted before The Daily Cartoonist and GoComics are hermanos y hermanas.
UPDATE (August 25)
Since I’m here deleting a comment I will added something I forgot the first time around.
GoComics/AMS earlier this year let the Comics Sherpa page go fallow.
Only a few of the nearly 200 comics were still updating regularly.
The Wayback Machine will show the last lineup of the site.
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