Cartooning Magazine cartoons Obituary

Rod McKie – RIP

Magazine cartoonist Rod McKie has passed away.

Roderick (Rod) McKie
November 28, 195?/196? – March 26(?), 2021


From the McKie family:

I am so sorry to tell you all that Rod passed away last night. We are all heartbroken. We have been together for 46 years and life without him will be duller, darker and very quiet. Thank you all for your love, thoughts and prayers. Lis and family

Rod had suffered a severe brain hemorrhage early this month.

Rod was an international magazine and gag cartoonist, contributing to Punch, The Wall Street Journal, the Harvard Business Review, Reader’s Digest (USA), Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Prospect (UK), The Phoenix (Ire), National Lampoon, Playboy, Marian Heath Greeting Cards, and various other publications worldwide.

Rod also was accomplished at sequential comics.

images © Rod McKie and respective copyright owners


From Rod McKie as interviewed in 2006 by, well, Rod McKie:

I started drawing cartoons from a very early age, copying my comic books. Particularly Aquaman, for some reason. I stated submitting work as a teenager and by the time I was 21 I’d started working for the national press in the UK, then Punch and then IPC Magazines – the home of Judge Dredd. So, it was gradual, but I set out to become a cartoonist from the get-go.

Rod’s blogspot is an entertaining view of cartooning, international comics history, cartoonist profiles, and (warning) so much more that one can get lost there for hours.




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Comments 1

  1. This was a shock. Rod was an Internet pal for many years and I had hoped we would one day meet. He loved cartooning, and was a friend. Many years ago he was telling me about Doctor Who, telling me that the Second Doctor was the best. He then burned a DVD of “Tomb of the Cybermen,” complete with his sketch of the second doctor on the disc for me and mailed it to my Brooklyn apartment. My condolences to his wife of 46 years, Lis, and his daughter. Rod was a grand fellow. And he was right that the second doctor was the best. I will drink a toast to him tonight.

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