Animation Comic Books Comic strips Obituary

2020 In Memoriam Lists

Year-end lists are starting to show up.

A couple In Memoriam on animation sites have been posted.

Cartoon Brew documented obituaries in the animation industry.

The past 12 months, in which the spectre of disease and death loomed over everything, saw Cartoon Brew chalk up a sad record: we have never published so many obituaries in one year.

Animation Magazine also notes the passings of animators and related people.

We had to bid farewell to an awfully large number of talented men and women who worked in the animation and visual effects business in 2020. We honor their memory on these pages and share our gratitude for the many artistic contributions they made to our world.


Comic Book Resources lists a dozen comic book creators who died in 2020.

This year was tough and was made even tougher with the loss of talented and pioneering comic creators that passed away.

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Comments 1

  1. When we see the 2020 list of comic strip debuts, departures, and dearly departed we will see a list of the comic strip artists who passed away – COVID or not – in 2020.

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