Mr. Monster Gets Funky
Skip to commentsBack in the 1980s I was pretty much giving superhero comic books a pass, though there were some good ones being produced. I had evolved into other genres and more adult(?) comics, a favorite being Doc Stern…Mr. Monster by Michael T. Gilbert.
Mr. Monster © Michael T. Gilbert
So it was a pleasant surprise when Mr. Monster showed up this week in Funky Winkerbean.
Funky Winkerbean © Batom, Inc; distributed by North America Syndicate (KFS)
A jam by Tom Batiuk, Chuck Ayers, and Michael T. Gilbert is a great Halloween treat!
At Michael T.’s Facebook page he tells how it all came together:
Last year Tom Batiuk, who created the long-running Funky Winkerbean strip contacted me about doing a special Halloween crossover with Mr. Monster. I was definitely up for it, and the fact that I was living fairly close to him in Ohio now made the collaboration even easier.
The storyline depicts the dreaded Pizza Monster who haunt’s Funky’s Montoni’s Pizza parlor on Halloween every year. Only this time Funky has a “special delivery” for the monster in the form of his creature-fighting pal, Mr. Monster!
Michael notes that this is not the first time Doc Stern, or Michael, has appeared in the funny pages.
Jim Keefe has the details of that earlier appearance.
Still a couple days to go with the guest star.
Elsewhere Tom Batiuk relates how it was the previous guest star appeared.
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