Some Newspapers Drop October 11 Doonesbury – updated
Skip to commentsoriginal October 12 post:
Five weeks after The Atlantic article detailing alleged remarks by President Trump where he is unable to fathom military service, Garry Trudeau featured the contents of that article in his October 11, 2020 Doonesbury.
Because the article has been disputed, or because of the last two panels (“Nobody wants to see that”), at least three newspapers did not run the strip.
In a thread on Joey Thingvall’s Facebook page Brent Anderson reported that the San Francisco Chronicle ran the Sunday page, but just north of SF the Santa Rosa Press Democrat replaced the strip. The replacement strip, which mentions the Biden and Trump campaigns, is apparently a bunny strip created by Garry for those more timid editors.
Doonesbury © G. B. Trudeau
In that same thread Eilis Flynn says the Seattle Times also refused to run the original strip. And Mark Jackson, in a Keith Knight thread, notes that the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle went with the replacement.
above: first three panels of replacement strip courtesy Mark Jackson.
For what it’s worth Stars and Stripes ran the full original strip in their weekend edition.
October 17 – update
So Garry Trudeau, who has never to my (limited) knowledge offered “bunny strips” as a replacement to newspaper editors, did not offer any such thing to them for the October 11 Sunday. The “replacement” strip was this weekend’s (October 18) Sunday strip bumped up a week.
So now the question becomes – do newspapers that ran this week’s strip last week run it again? Or do they stay a week ahead for a time? Or did the syndicate go with the bump as an emergency measure and will now offer a rerun to fill the gap?
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