Newspaper Admits Cutting Comics Was Wrong

Downsizing its syndicated comics and puzzles was a bad decision says The Laurel Leader-Call.

You have spoken, and we have quickly answered.

As loyal readers noticed in the Aug. 15 edition of the Leader-Call, we introduced a slimmed-down version of our comics and puzzles page. We did this to try to provide quality over quantity. We secured the Beetle Bailey comic, along with a conservative-leaning Mallard Fillmore, in hopes that it would bring a chuckle for the readers.

[W]e were wrong. Terribly wrong.

Our readers wanted the comics page as it was. Frank and Ernest, Thatababy and Moderately Confused were, after all, popular among our subscribers. We found out that there are a lot of readers who thoroughly enjoy the bridge column. Many pined for the datebook — listing historical dates, birthdays, phases of the moon and lucky numbers.

Starting today [August 24] on Pages 6 and 7, we are returning to our former puzzles and comics page in its complete form. The pages will remain this way into the future.

It only took one week for the Leader-Call to reverse course due to overwhelmingly negative response from the paper’s readers objecting to the loss of comics and puzzles.

Read the newspaper’s mea culpa.
