Shoe Bids Farewell to Plugger Gary Brookins
Skip to commentsAs announced earlier this year Gary Brookins has decided to retire from the daily grind.
It appears he has timed his last dailies to fall on the same August 22, 2020 day.
Before moving on Plugger Gary gave youngster Rick McKee some advice yesterday.
Elsewhere on today’s comics page the Treetops Tattler crew says farewell to Gary.
Ben Lansing should begin signing the Monday August 24, 2020 Shoe.
As for Sundays – I don’t know when the last Brookins’ signatures will occur.
I do know that Gary will be doing the old soft Shoe for a few more Sundays.
But as Gary says in his Pluggers above – keep in touch with him at Brookinsart.
August 24 update
Welp, Gary continues to sign the daily Shoe after the farewell strip.
Jan Herr
Bull Rice